Page 34 - ETSI-WP-2017-2018.html
P. 34

In 2017 we expect to publish numerous standards and   Emergency Application (PEMEA). This will solve the problem
          specifications which have been revised in response to   of emergency calling applications constrained to boundaries
          feedback from manufacturers and users, including 14   of the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) with which they
          documents relating to interworking at the inter-system   are integrated, making it possible for data to arrive at the
          interface (ISI) between two TETRA systems. This work has   most appropriate PSAP, wherever the call is made.
          involved revising the original ISI European Standard (EN)
          to take account of the introduction of IP-based networks,   A second TS, due for publication in 2018, is being developed
          dividing the content into several new parts to produce a   to describe the core elements and corresponding technical
          family of specifications for IP, circuit switched networks and   interfaces for network-independent access to emergency
          transport layer-independent aspects. We are now beginning   services.
          to develop corresponding TSs. This work will simplify the
          future integration of TETRA into LTE.               We will complete a complementary TR describing the test
                                                              cases and scenarios for interoperability testing of the core
          We will continue to improve the functionality of TETRA   elements such as location-based and policy-based emergency
          Release 1 and the TETRA Enhanced Data Service (TEDS), as   call routing, network- or handset-derived caller location (e.g.
          required by evolving requirements.                  Advanced Mobile Location) as well as legacy, IP, enterprise/
                                                              campus, and IMS-based access networks.
          Security is a key issue for critical communications in the
          future. We expect to finish a study into security mechanisms   We are planning to produce a TS specifying the alerting
          for mission-critical broadband systems, including security   libraries to be used for public warning, allowing the simple
          systems appropriate for both an underlying broadband   and unique generation of alert messages by selecting
          system (such as LTE) and also for applications providing   different information items from pre-defined lists.
          mission-critical services, such as group call and Direct Mode   Implementation guidelines for the libraries will be developed
          services. We also plan to publish a new TR on the security   in parallel as a TR. Both documents are scheduled for
          of interworking between TETRA and broadband critical   publication in 2019.
                                                              Other new work for 2017 will include IP caller localisation
                                                              in private networks and next generation emergency calling,
                                                              exploring new ways to contact the emergency services via,
                                                              for example, social media, texting or sending video clips.

                                                              Our Network Technologies committee (TC NTECH) will
                                                              finalise the specification of the protocols required on the
                                                              interfaces of the functional architecture for emergency caller
                                                              location determination and transport, in support of European
                                                              Commission (EC) Mandate M/493. This service is intended
                                                              to cover a situation where different service providers and
                                                              network operators need to co-operate to determine the
                                                              location of an emergency caller.
                                                              We will continue to develop conformance testing for eCall,
                                                              the in-vehicle emergency call service which automatically
                                                              relays data about an accident from the vehicle involved to
                                                              the emergency services.

                                                              Other Public Safety Activities
                                                              In the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP™) we
                                                              are helping to develop the use of LTE for mission-critical
                                                              communications. In 2017 3GPP will complete standards for
                                                              the extension of mission-critical services from simple voice
                                                              to data and video in Release 15, making LTE technology
                                                              attractive to an ever-widening user community.
          Emergency Calling and Alerting
          In 2017 our Emergency Telecommunications committee   By mid-2017, we expect to publish a new Harmonised
          (SC EMTEL) will continue to focus particularly on networks   Standard on avalanche beacon equipment, for locating
          dedicated to emergency services, emergency applications   people buried under snowfalls.
          and alerting libraries.
                                                              We are also creating standards for maritime safety
          We expect to publish a TS which will provide the    equipment and various mechanisms for road safety through
          requirements, the functional architecture, the protocol and   the use of Intelligent Transport Systems.
          the procedures for implementing the Pan-European Mobile

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