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Meet the New Standards People

       MZ Denmark GmbH                      Politecnico di Milano                include  documented  expertise  and
                                                                                 experience  in  developing  innovative
             Germany                             Italy                           biomedical  sensors,  especially  non-
                                                                                 contact  and  wearable  sensors,  and  a
       Mozilla’s  mission  is  to  promote   Politecnico  di  Milano  is  a  public   mobile data management system with
       openness,     innovation,     and    scientific-technological   university   integrated machine learning algorithms.
       opportunity on the Web. Its flagship   which trains engineers, architects, and
       product is Firefox, which is an openly   industrial  designers.  The  University   Smart Internet Lab,
       developed  and  open  source  web    focuses on the quality and innovation   University of Bristol
       browser. Firefox is used by hundreds   of  its  teaching  and  research,
       of  millions  of  people  worldwide  to   developing a fruitful relationship with    United Kingdom
       discover,  experience,  and  connect   business  and  productive  world  by
       to  the  Web.  Mozilla  is  also  a  non-  means of experimental research and   The  Smart  Internet  Lab  at  the
       profit  foundation  that  educates  and   technological  transfer.  Politecnico   University of Bristol is one of the UK’s
       empowers  Internet  users  to  be  the   takes  part  in  several  research,  sites   most  renowned  Information  and
       Web’s makers, not just its consumers  and  training  projects  collaborating   Communications  Technology  (ICT)
                                            with  the  most  qualified  European   research  centres  which  addresses
       To   accomplish    this,   Mozilla   universities.  It’s  contribution  is   grand   societal   and   industrial
       functions  as  a  global  community  of   increasingly being extended to other   challenges. 200 experts on 5G radio/
       technologists,  thinkers,  and  builders   countries:  from  North  America  to   wireless, optical communications and
       who  work  together  to  ensure  the   Southeast Asia, to Eastern Europe.   networks  challenge  the  complexity
       Internet  is  a  global  public  resource,                                of  tomorrow’s  world  by  fusing
       open and accessible to all.          Regula                               research  expertise  and  innovation
                                                 Latvia                          in a range of research areas such as:
       National and                                                              IoT, 5G and Beyond, Future Transport
       Kapodistrian                         In 1992 Regula started as a team of   Networks,  Smart  Cities,  Autonomous
                                                                                 Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial
                                            passionate  engineers  who  loved  a
       University of Athens                 challenge.  Today  it  has  grown  into   Intelligence,  Network,  Convergence,
            Greece                          a  robust  end-to-end  ecosystem  of   Mobile Edge Computing and Network
                                            science-backed  solutions  powered   Softwarization.  The  unique  offering
       Founded  in  1837,  the  National  and   by  400  innovators.  Regula’s  mission   across optical, wireless, IoT and cloud
                                                                                 technologies  enables  the  research
       Kapodistrian  University  of  Athens,   is  to  bring  a  scientific  approach  to   centre  to  bring  together  end-to-end
       usually  referred  to  simply  as  the   safety and comfort. With 30 years in   network design and optimization and
       University  of  Athens  (UoA),  is  the   forensics,  Regula  helps  organizations   impact  regional,  national,  and  global
       first university not only of Greece but   make   document   authentication   ICT innovations.
       both  the  Balkan  peninsula  and  the   and  identity  verification  seem  easy.
       Eastern  Mediterranean  region.  With   Regula’s  solutions  help  over  1000   Ubiik
       over  69000  registered  students  it  is   clients and have been deployed in 170
       today  one  of  the  largest  universities   countries to date, including equipping    France
       by enrolment in Europe.              80 national borders.

       The  University  of  Athens  consists  of   Sensoriis                     Ubiik  is  a  leading  AMI  solution
                                                                                 provider that develops technologies
       academic,  administrative,  financial,    USA                             related  to  innovative  IoT  (Internet
       and  technical  units  and  offers  a                                     of  Things)  products.  The  company
       broad  spectrum  of  services  to  the   Sensoriis  Inc.  was  formed  in  Seattle   build   tools   and   infrastructure
       community that include educational,   in  2016  to  commercialize  innovative   aimed  at  creating  a  smarter  and
       research and cultural activities.    sensors  for  biomedical  applications.   more  sustainable  world.  It  focuses

                                            The  core  competence  of  Sensoriis   on  research,  development,  and
                                                                                 deployment of low power wide area

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