Page 11 - ETSI_Enjoy_MAG_2024_N02_August
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Meet the New Standards People

       network  (LPWAN)  communication      Shenglu                              means  “to  create  future  technology”
       systems.  Ubiik  provides  complete   Telecommunication                   in  Mandarin  Chinese.  The  long  term
       vertical  solutions  for  utilities,  smart                               focus  of  Tron  Future  Tech  Inc.  is  to
       energy, smart factory, and smart city     China                           create  never-existed  technologies  for
       applications.  The  company  supports                                     the well-being of humankind based on
       3GPP standard technologies like NB-IoT   Part  of  the  Shenglu  Group,  Shenglu   fundamental research, and not limited
       and LTE-M, providing the foundational   Telecommunications  Tech.  Co.,  Ltd.   by disciplinary boundaries.
       protocols,  end  devices,  base  stations   located in China’s Guangdong Province,
       and  cloud  services  needed  for    has  built  a  whole  set  of  research,   XEYE Clear Vision Ltd
       implementing IoT networks.           development, manufacture, and sales
                                            system,  specializing  in  antennas  and    Israel
       University of York                   RF products. The company exports its
                                            products  to  more  than  60  countries   Xeye  uses  innovative  and  effective
            United Kingdom                  and  regions,  including  Europe,  the   electromagnetic  imaging  and  AI
                                            United States, Australia, and India.  to  keep  people  and  places  safe.
       Founded  on  principles  of  excellence,                                  The  revolutionary  near  field  threat
       equality  and  opportunity  for  all,  the   SJU Sejong University        detection  (NFTD)  system  scans
       University  of  York  opened  in  1963                                    people  in  real-time  —  without
       with  just  230  students.  Nowadays  it    Korea                         hindering  the  flow  of  foot  traffic  —
       has  positioned  itself  as  one  of  the                                 to enhance overall public safety and
       world’s  leading  universities,  carving   A global prestigious university leading   security.  eye’s  patented  technology
       out  a  reputation  as  an  academic   the  era  of  creative  convergence,   helps  realize  the  full  potential  of
       powerhouse  where  a  clear  focus  on   Sejong University ranked 397th in the   AI-based  NFTD  by  enhancing  the
       excellence  has  secured  national  and   annual listing of the world’s best global   responsiveness of standoff detection
       international  recognition  alongside   universities  in  2023  and  was  named   measures. Deploying Xeye to address
       longer  established  institutions.  Today   the  seventh-best  global  university   security  challenges  in  high-traffic
       York  University  counts  more  than   in  South  Korea,  and  the  79th-best   public areas, businesses, venues, and
       20,000  students  and  5,000  staff.  Its   global  university  in  Asia  that  same   government  entities  Xeye  alleviates
       diverse community fosters a sense of   year.  The  university’s  world  ranking   key  bottlenecks  and  pain  points  in
       belonging and operates at the highest   climbed up sharply from No. 506 the   current  security  operations,  while
       academic and ethical standards.      previous  year.  In  particular,  Sejong   providing  more  support  for  security
                                            University topped the ranking among   directors to keep venues safe without
       SDI Squared                          Korean universities in the category of   limiting personal freedom.

                                            international research collaboration.
            USA                                                                  Excluded are GROUP
                                            Tron Future Tech Inc.
       Focus  on  securing  outcomes  that                                       members for this
       further  global  development  and         Taiwan, Province of China       section of enjoy:
       well-being,  SDI  Squared’s  mission  is
       to  accelerate  favourable  outcomes   Tron  Future  Tech  Inc.  delivers  the     „ ZTE Italia – EEA - GROUP
       in  and  via  international  fora.  In   innovative  applications  based  on
       collaboration  with  partners,  the   advanced  phased  array  systems        „ MediaTek Finland - GROUP
       company  provides  a  wide  range  of   for  a  wide  range  of  markets  and  in     „ MediaTek Germany GmbH - GROUP
       services including tools for research   a  wide  range  of  disciplines  -  from
       and  research  services,  integrated   semiconductor IC to user experiences –      „ MediaTek Sweden AB - GROUP
       standards    strategy    services,   including antenna, packaging, cooling,
       integrated  planning  services  &  fora   DSP,  array  architecture,  computer     „ Reflection B.V. - GROUP
       procedural guidance, and navigating   architecture,   language   compiler,
       standards  development  fora  to     information  architecture,  production
       obtain favourable outcomes.          methods, etc. Tron Future Tech literally

                                                                          Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024    11
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