Page 12 - ETSI_Enjoy_MAG_2024_N02_August
P. 12

New Member Interview
                                                                           “      Some of the big

                                                                                  technical differences
                                                                                  we deal with include
                                                                                  the fact that in a

                                                                                  satellite network,
                                                                                  everything is moving.

       Dr. Jeffrey Freedman, PhD

       Kythera Space Solutions, focusing on Non-Terrestrial Networks and 6G

       With  more  than  35  years  of      in  satellite  payload  design,  satellite   and has led the development of award-
       telecommunication  engineering  and   resource management software, and   winning,  groundbreaking  software
       software development experience, Jeff   telecommunication architectures and   products  in  both  communications
       is both CEO of Kythera Space Solutions   is highly regarded as a subject matter   systems modeling and 3D animation.
       and CTO of RKF Engineering, Kythera’s   expert in satellite performance, antenna   Jeff holds a BSEE from North Carolina
       sister  company.  Jeff  is  the  visionary   design, payload design, and dynamic   State  University,  an  MSEE  from
       and technical genius behind Kythera’s   satellite  control  systems.  Jeff  is  also   Cornell University, and a Ph.D. in EE
       business.  Jeff  holds  over  70  patents   an accomplished science fiction writer   from the University of Maryland.

       12      Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024
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