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Tech Highlights

       ETSI SDG OpenSlice and OpenCAPIF:

       Transforming the Telecom

       Standardization Landscape

       Within  ETSI,  renowned  for  developing  standards  that  drive  technological  innovation,  the  Software
       Development  Group  (SDG)  is  a  new  type  of  group  tailored  for  collaborative  software  development.
       Two significant initiatives under this group are OpenSlice and OpenCAPIF, which are set to revolutionize the
       telecom industry by enhancing interoperability, flexibility, and scalability in network services.

       Network Slice as a Service

       OpenSlice   is   an   open-source    Network  slices  in  OpenSlice  are   for accessing and designing services,
       Operations  Support  System  (OSS)   described  according  to  the  GSMA   and  the  NFV  portal  for  managing
       prototype  within  the  ETSI  NFV    Generic   Slice   Template   (GST),   NFV artifacts. OpenSlice allows third-
       (Network  Functions  Virtualization)   characterized to expose the TM Forum   party applications to interact via TM
       architectural  framework.  OpenSlice   NaaS API suite. This approach enables   Forum APIs, enhancing flexibility and
       offers  Network-as-a-Service  (NaaS)   service providers to offer customized   integration capabilities.
       following ETSI NFV, TM Forum, 3GPP,   network  slices  efficiently,  meeting
       and  ETSI  Zero-touch  Network  and   diverse customer requirements.      OpenSlice’s   cloud-native   design
       Service Management (ZSM) principles.                                      supports  deployment  in  Kubernetes,
       OpenSlice   exposes   TM   Forum     OpenSlice’s  architecture  supports  a   ensuring scalability and resilience. By
       OpenAPIs,  and  interacts  seamlessly   range  of  functions,  including  service   automating the lifecycle management
       with NFV orchestrators through ETSI   order and orchestration, NFV catalog   of   network   slices,   OpenSlice
       NFV APIs and data models, ensuring   management,  and  service  inventory   significantly  reduces  the  time  and
       interoperability  with  platforms  such   management.  The  platform  offers   effort required to deploy new services,
       as Open Source MANO (OSM).           two main portals: the Services portal   thus accelerating time-to-market.

       Common APIs Framework for Interoperability

       OpenCAPIF     (Open      Common      The core objective of OpenCAPIF is to   approach by Network Applications.
       API   Framework)     is   another    create  a  unified  API  framework  that
       groundbreaking   initiative   under   ensures seamless interaction between   OpenCAPIF   supports    mutual
       the  ETSI  SDG  program.  It  aims   diverse  systems  and  services.  This   TLS   authentication   for   secure
       to   develop    an    open-source    standards-based framework facilitates   communication between API invokers
       framework  for  the  CAPIF  concept   the  integration  of  new  technologies   and providers. It employs a Certificate
       introduced  in  3GPP  Release  15.     and  services,  making  it  easier  for   Authority  to  manage  certificates  and
       OpenCAPIF provides an open-source    operators  to  adopt  and  deploy    offers  three  security  mechanisms  for
       implementation of the core function,   innovative  solutions.  OpenCAPIF  is   API  consumption:  pre-shared  keys,
       enabling  secure  and  consistent  API   designed expose network and service   certificates,  and  OAuth  2.0  tokens.
       exposure and invocation.             APIs from different domains, ensuring   OpenCAPIF’s components are deployed
                                            a  harmonized  API  consumption      in a Kubernetes environment.

       14      Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024
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